Product Summary
The MDT2010EP is an EPROM-based 8-bit micro-controller. It uses a fully static CMOS design technology combines higher speeds and smaller size with the low power and high noise immunity of CMOS. The application areas of the MDT2010EP range from appliance motor control and high speed automotive to low power remote transmitters/receivers, pointing devices, and telecommunications processors, such as Remote controller, small instruments, chargers, toy, automobile and PC peripheral etc.
MDT2010EP absolute maximum ratings: (1)Vdd: 2.3 to 6.3V; (2)frequency: 0 to 20MHz; (3)VSS: 1V; (4)Vih:2V; (5)Voh: 4V; (5)Vdd:2.3V; (6)Idd: 1μA.
MDT2010EP features: (1)Addressing modes include direct, indirect and relative addressing modes; (2)Power-on Reset; (3)Power edge-detector Reset; (4)Sleep Mode for power saving; (5)8-bit real time clock/counter(RTCC) with 8-bit programmable prescaler; (6)4 types of oscillator can be selected by programming option.